Authors with the most publications

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Dr. Roberto Miranda

When crises come
The true nature of Jesus Christ
Do not be a respecter of people
Your attitude determines your destiny

Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas
Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas

Some ask for signs, others believe in God
Imitating Christ - The Calling
God is always faithful
The mirror of the Gospel

Charles Spurgeon
Charles Spurgeon

God will give us strength
The earth will be filled with the glory of the Lord
God knows who to release, and when to release, and how to release
The Father will honor those who follow His Son

Omar Soto
Omar Soto

X-ray of the heart (part 2)
Why does God allow Satan to bother you?
How should a Christian vote?
On eagle's wings

Milagros García Klibansky
Milagros García Klibansky

Bleeding and hunched over
He takes care of you
My god is holy

Samuel Acevedo
Samuel Acevedo

Sell everything you own
God with us
sin and grace
Pride and ambition are two different things.

Gregory Bishop
Gregory Bishop

Called to be an armor bearer
The rich young ruler - Mark 10:17
Psalm 1 is the personal mission of every Christian
Conflicts in the church

Alberto González Muñoz
Alberto González Muñoz

The royal palm
Spiritual wealth
God and creation
Sadness according to god

Andrés Cisterna
Andrés Cisterna

Faith to receive and to suffer
Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom
complaining is a bad habit
The gift of generous giving

Nancy G. Marquez
Nancy G. Marquez

Losses will not overshadow my faith in a true God
Focused on God
Little foxes
Looking beyond

Fanny Rodríguez
Fanny Rodríguez

How many opportunities does the Lord give us
Jesus is the center of Christmas
Peace in the storm
Integrity, Presentation of the Christian

Mercedes López-Miranda
Mercedes López-Miranda

Visionary motherhood - raising a generation of Samuels
The cleansing of the heart
We are the mentors of our children
Women's Ministry Seminar: A Woman of Great Influence

Jonatán Toledo
Jonatán Toledo

God can change any situation
Maintain unity and harmony
Three tests to evaluate if we truly lead a Christian life
A life that reflects Christ - In the hands of the potter

Isaías Rivera
Isaías Rivera

vessels of honor
row even though the storm is against
live the truth with love
serve with joy

Samuel Caraballo
Samuel Caraballo

Let's run to win!
BOA: My uncle Pichi key
A Call for Empathy: Reflecting the Light of Christ in the Lives of People with Disabilities
Samuel Caraballo: Healing Testimony

Carmen Ray-Calvo
Carmen Ray-Calvo

Become a friend of God
Vessels of honor
The life that pleases God

Miriam Carrasquillo
Miriam Carrasquillo

This land is not eternal and will pass as fast as yesterday
God is by your side - can you perceive it?
So near and yet so far
Do not live in the past!

Mick Da Silva
Mick Da Silva

spiritual authority
How to know God
Leaving Lodebar, the place of suffering
The valley of our disturbances

Awilda Gonzalez
Awilda Gonzalez

Does God know? (Part 2)
Taking the fountain - part 1
Flow in the river of the Holy Spirit
Drought prepares us for what is to come

E. M. Bounds
E. M. Bounds

The first duty
Be specific when asking
Faith comes directly from God
Men and women of prayer

Doug Tunney
Doug Tunney

Flow in the river of God
What is the number one reason you do not share your faith?
It all starts with being intimate with God
It all starts with Jesus and having intimacy with Him

Olga Martinez
Olga Martinez

Being sensitive to God's touch
Lay aside your vase and serve God
When the dew falls, the manna falls with it
God's Challenges

Jorge Ayllón Navarro
Jorge Ayllón Navarro

My testimony
Our relationship with God - The key piece in the formation of our children
Love of God or fear of punishment?
The hidden evil

Lilian Gutierrez
Lilian Gutierrez

Before there’s a we, there’s a me (part 1)
Before there’s a we, there’s a me (part 2)
Those who wait for Jehovah will have new strength
It's not how you started, it's how you end

Richard Booker
Richard Booker

The feast of tabernacles
The blood of the everlasting covenant
The blood of the everlasting covenant
The end of all things is near. Are you ready?

More authors

- Katia Adams - Juan Carlos Alvarez - Eladio Alvarez - Juan Carlos Alzamora - Neil Anderson - Bob Baker - Bob Bakke - Andrew Beckwith - Betsy Behan - Claudina Brinn - Margarita Brito - Magie de Cano - Pastor Carlos - Teen Challenge - Iris Chicas - Susan Combs - Andrew Cominsky - Tom Demaree - Ernst Diehl - Rafael Dunker - Pablo Dupuy - Efrén Durán - Myriam Díaz - Emanuela - Lou Engle - John Ensor - Jasiel Fernandez - Pedro Julio Fernández - Sarah Gautier - Brandt Gillespie - Valerie Gonzalez - Steve Horning - Carmen J. Delgado González - Paul Jehle - Steve Johnson - Hna. Josefa - Kris Kile - Olu Lawrence - Raymond Lee - Sonia Lopez Johnson - Sorines López - Fabiana Manzewitsch - David Marrero - Roberto Mata - Rey Matos - Mark Mueller - Bill Murdoch - Mustafa - Jorge Najarro - José Ordóñez - Samuel Pagán - Dennis Peacocke - Nick Pena - Evelyn Perez - Sergio Pérez - Pablo Polischuk - Norelis Ponciano - Santiago Ponciano - Rene Quispe - Marta Ramirez - Maria Elena Rego Rojas - Luis Rivas - Lucy Rodriguez - Analí Rodríguez - Rigoberto Rojas - Gilberto Samano - Emile Samuel - Eugene Santiago - Celia Santos - Sergio Scataglini - Sam Schutz - David Sedaca - Manuel Sierra - Patricia Sobalvarro - Emma de Sosa - Kezia Sousa - Igna de Suárez - Fumio Taku - Paul Taylor - Gail Thomas - Hector Torres - Debbie Tunney - Benjamin Valentin - Ada Valles - Michael Varnet - Eldin Villafañe - Basil Yarde - Marcos Yaroide - Claudio Yeme - Juan Zuccarrelli - Jews for Jesus - -?-