When crises come

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: There are two types of anxiety: general anxiety and specific anxiety. General anxiety is an essential attitude or disposition that tends toward excessive worry and being overly focused on material possessions and life events. This type of anxiety can lead to emotional instability and being tied to the ups and downs of life. On the other hand, specific anxiety refers to a reaction to a specific negative life situation that threatens our emotional stability. It is natural and legitimate to feel anxious in these situations.

To combat general anxiety, we must detach ourselves from the love of the world and prioritize the things of the Spirit. We must set our sights on things above and grow spiritually every day, conforming our personality to the principles of the Gospel and the character of Jesus Christ. We should be content with having sustenance and shelter as a platform for all other aspirations. As for specific anxiety, we must trust in God and seek His guidance and peace in difficult times. Habakkuk, chapter 3 reminds us to rejoice in the Lord even though difficult situations may come our way.

The Bible calls us to focus on spiritual growth and sanctification rather than being anxious about material possessions. We should aspire to excellence but be content with sustenance and shelter. Simplicity is a value that we should imitate, as the most beautiful things in life often cost nothing. We should understand the complex nature of material possessions and not love riches too much. Jesus Christ teaches that true happiness cannot be bought. We should recognize the illusory nature of the world and understand that nothing in this world is permanent.

The world and all its pleasures are fleeting and temporary, like the flower of the field that is blown away by the wind. Man is like that too, with a lifespan of only 70-80 years. The only permanent and real thing is the eternal, and we must anchor ourselves in the rock that is Christ Jesus. We should not become attached to material possessions or ministerial success, but rather live lives that honor the principles of the Gospel. We must trust in God and put our faith in Him, surrendering our lives to Him and living each day in His word.

What does one do when crises come in life? How to react when crises come, difficult situations in life? Habakkuk, chapter 3 tells us about a position that we can adopt. It says, "Even though the fig tree does not flourish nor are there fruit on the vines, even though the olive produce is lacking and the fields do not provide maintenance and the sheep are removed from the fold, and there are no cows in the corrals, yet - say with all . No that's too weak. With everything. – I will rejoice in the Lord and be glad in the God of my salvation.” Amen. Enrique if you can put Habacuc, chapter 3. I would like if we can put the Scriptures, I sent them in advance. "Even if the fig tree does not bloom..."

Last Sunday we talked about the call of Jesus, not to worry, not to get anxious about anything in this world, to adopt an attitude of self-sufficiency in God. And I told them that there was a second part to this message and this weekend when I started to think a little about what I talked about, which I think is, in fact, very accurate in terms of the word of God, I I realized that it was necessary to spin a little finer, it was necessary to divide the word that I shared about anxiety and eagerness a little more. And I realized that there are two types of anxiety that we should talk about and that if we don't differentiate between one anxiety or the other, we run the risk of sharing principles that are very good, very helpful, very biblical, but sometimes there will be people who they'll say, “Well, yeah, that's great. I like what you are saying, but as there is a part that does not reach me, there is a part that does not apply to what I am experiencing. And I realized that I had to, as I say, apply the word a little more carefully, more specifically. And as I say, I see that I would say that there are two types of eagerness, two types of anxiety, two types of fear that sometimes overwhelm us at times in life.

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