God and creation

Alberto González Muñoz
Alberto González Muñoz

SUMMARY: Yes, it is possible to live without faith, but the Bible teaches that God exists and can be known by human beings. Nature itself speaks of God's existence and contemplating creation can lead us to seek Him. However, the ultimate revelation of God is through Jesus Christ, who came so that we could all know the Father. Through Jesus, we can fall in love with God and experience His mercy, grace, and greatness.

Can you live without faith? Of course yes! In fact, many people declare themselves atheists or agnostics. Atheists deny the existence of God, but agnostics declare that knowledge of the divine is inaccessible to human understanding, as well as everything that transcends the individual's own experience. Christians respect the law others to believe or not believe, as well as to support the philosophical position that pleases them the most, but the Bible not only teaches that God exists, but that he can be known by human beings and they can relate to Him.

In the letter to the Hebrews we are taught: "God having spoken many times and in many ways in former times to the fathers through the prophets, in these last days he has spoken through the Son" (Hebrews 1: 2). God has always tried to communicate with human beings and He has done so in many ways. Another biblical passage teaches that nature itself also speaks of God.

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