Looking beyond
Nancy G. MarquezIt is said that on one occasion a chick had just hatched, and when it came out, it began to look at everything around it. When he looked to the right, he saw marriages falling apart; when he looked to the left, he saw the youth lost in the corruption of the world; when he looked straight ahead, he saw the abuse against children; when he looked down, he saw that evil was consuming the land. So the chick looked back and saw the shell from which it had come and ran to take refuge in it, as if it did not want to have been born. Many times that is what we do, we lock ourselves in the shell of fear, because we forget to look up, where our hope comes from.
On this day we can ask ourselves, what does it mean to set our sights on things above and not on things on earth? We can answer this question in the following way; Setting your sights on things above and not on things on the earth means that: