Focused on God

Nancy G. Marquez
Nancy G. Marquez

SUMMARY: To be successful in life, we must avoid distractions and stay focused on our purpose. If we lose focus, we can ask God for discernment and the Holy Spirit to help us adjust our spiritual lens. A determined believer focuses on things above and not on earthly things.

There are many things that we try to blur on a daily basis. Those things are the ones that catch our attention, the ones that keep us thinking about them, the ones that distract us, and that have nothing to do with the purpose for which we were created. Those are the things we have to avoid. In order to be successful in life, no matter what we undertake, we have to be focused.

Let's not lose focus, and if we lose focus, we can re-adjust the spiritual lens. Let us ask God for the discernment necessary to not focus on things that do not have to do with our eternal destiny, and pray that the Holy Spirit helps us to adjust the spiritual lens, if it has become misaligned, or to focus, if we have changed our gaze. of the right direction.

A determined believer is one who walks focused on things above and not on things on earth.

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