The mirror of the Gospel

Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas
Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas

SUMMARY: The Word of God is our mirror, reflecting who we are and what we need to do. We must not only listen to it, but also obey it with a humble heart, even if it is painful at times. Simply hearing the Word without obeying it is deceiving ourselves. We should be grateful for the Word that reveals our weaknesses, as it helps us grow spiritually and honor God. By putting the Word into practice, we are born again and enriched in our Christian life.

The Word makes us see the things that we are unable to see with our own eyes and feelings. Have you not seen yourself "portrayed" in a biblical passage or have you experienced that a simple verse describes what you are going through at that moment in your life or that that word gives you parental advice to resolve any situation? And what have you done about it? Have you continued reading? Haven't you stopped to meditate on what God is saying to you?

The gospel is our mirror. When we confront the gospel with a humble spirit and look to the blessed Word for advice and guidance, we can see ourselves as we are and then we will be willing to obey. Fulfilling and obeying the Word is a command with a deep spiritual dimension. One of the many ways in which we can corrupt and dilute the gospel of Jesus Christ is by being only hearers of his Word or listening to it (also reading it) with the mind and not with the heart, exclusively basking in the beautiful promises and wonders that the Lord gives us. he announces and turns his face when the Lord rebukes us or exhorts us to order our debaucheries.

As James says, we must look carefully into the perfect law of our God and act accordingly, even though it may be painful at times and does not accommodate our own will and desires. The Word is clear; if we are simply hearers, we are deluding ourselves. Our willingness to surrender to the Word with a humbled heart and open to the teachings that God wants us to learn should be radical. We are not always willing to listen to criticism of our defects and the disorders of our passions and daily cares, much less, if the criticism comes directly from God. Shouldn't we instead thank him for reminding us of our weaknesses? The Word of God tells us what we are like, it portrays us "in full color" and in high definition.

The Word has been given to us to be free, to make us wiser every day, to meet God and ourselves through Jesus and to give our Christian life a true sense of obedience and gratitude. When we put into practice the Word that often confronts us by God's own will, our spiritual life is enriched, we honor God and inevitably grow in “spirit” as befits true children of the King. The Word says: He, by his own will, made us be born again through the word of truth that he gave us. (James 1:18 NLT).

God bless you!

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