Your attitude determines your destiny

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: In Chapter 13 of the Book of Numbers, God commands Moses to send 12 men to spy out the land of Canaan before the Israelites enter it. This reconnaissance is important because it allows them to prepare for the battles that will come with the enemy tribes in the land. Similarly, in our Christian lives, we must study and understand God's promises and the battles that come with them. We must believe God and understand that He is more powerful than any opposition we may face. Ultimately, we must be prepared to fight for the blessings that God has for us.

The speaker discusses the importance of having a sufficiency mentality in life, as opposed to a lack mentality. A sufficiency mentality focuses on the abundance of God's provision and sees obstacles as opportunities for growth and victory. On the other hand, a lack mentality focuses only on limitations and problems and can lead to discouragement and defeat. The speaker encourages listeners to cultivate a mentality of abundance and to focus on the blessings rather than the curses in life. The story of the twelve spies sent to explore the Promised Land is used as an example of how one's mentality can determine their attitude towards God's promises and ultimately their destiny.

The speaker discusses the difference between a lack mentality and a sufficiency mentality, using the story of the Israelites in the Bible as an example. The lack mentality focuses on problems and limitations, while the sufficiency mentality sees abundance and potential. The speaker emphasizes the importance of seeing oneself as God sees them and believing in the power that resides within them. The Israelites' rebellion and fear were a result of their lack mentality, while Joshua and Caleb's confidence came from their sufficiency mentality and trust in God. The speaker encourages listeners to connect with God's abundance mindset every day and focus on God's presence in their lives.

The speaker emphasizes the importance of focusing on God's promises rather than life's difficulties. He encourages listeners to have a mentality of sufficiency and to not let fear freeze them from taking risks. He reminds them that failures are just experiments that make them stronger and that God is the great equalizer who can make a difference in any situation. The speaker encourages listeners to pray, fast, and seek counsel before making decisions, but once they have done everything they can, to trust in God and move forward with confidence.

Chapter 13, Book of Numbers. We see here the well-known story of when Moses, while the Israelites were in the desert, and for the brothers who do not know the biblical story we simply remember. The Jews, the Hebrews were in Egypt for centuries, long held captive there in Egypt. They were slaves and in reality God had allowed them to be in Egypt so that they would become a great and powerful nation.

They grew numerically and the time came when the Hebrews had already reached a very large number -1 million plus people- and God now wanted to get them out of Egypt. And the Lord - you remember the story - sent Moses as a deliverer and led the Hebrew people out of the clutches of the Egyptians and God's purpose was to take them to Canaan, a land that He had reserved for them in another part of the Middle East. And there the Lord had reserved a great blessing, a great provision, a great abundance for the people of God. A land - he says it flowed with milk and honey - of great abundance.

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