Losses will not overshadow my faith in a true God

Nancy G. Marquez
Nancy G. Marquez

SUMMARY: Losses can be a painful process in life, and it can feel like a giant that wants to crush our faith in God. However, as children of God, we must stand firm and declare that God is faithful and keeps his promises. What is taken from us will be returned more fully later if we remain faithful in our Christian journey. Job lost everything in the first chapter of his life, but in the end, he was blessed more than before. When the enemy tries to discourage us, we must trust in God and declare our faith in Him.

In this life we go through many processes, and one of the most painful processes is LOSSES. I write it in capital letters, because likewise it feels in our lives, as if it were something very big, not to say a giant that wants to crush our faith in a God who is True and who does not lie. Generally when we go through losses, in the present moment, we do not understand why they are. The giant who wants to destroy our faith in God begins to shout in our ears and scream at us that God does not love us because he lets us go through these unexpected "cuts".

But, as children of God, we must stand firm and declare at the top of our voice that GOD IS FAITHFUL, TRUE, AND THAT HE KEEPS EVERY ONE OF HIS PROMISES ABOUT OUR LIVES. What is "taken" from us, will be returned more fully later if we remain faithful and constant in our Christian career. Job lost everything, in the first chapter of his life - Job Cap. 1, but in the last chapter (Job 42: 12-13) it says: “And the Lord blessed the last state of Job more than the first; because he had fourteen thousand sheep, six thousand camels, a thousand yoke of oxen and a thousand donkeys, and he had seven sons and three daughters ”.

When the enemy yells at you that you have lost everything, YELL HIM LOUDER, and let him know that you are sure in whom you have believed; we have believed in a God of love, justice and truth.

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