Little foxes

Nancy G. Marquez
Nancy G. Marquez

SUMMARY: Small things can have a big impact over time, like little foxes that can destroy a vineyard. We should not overlook the small things or forget that they have the potential to grow. Small things are born within us and can lead to bigger issues. We need to be vigilant and prevent these little things from ruining our lives and relationships.

Beware of the little things that seem insignificant, but can create ruin over time! It is important that we pay attention to the things that are being brought into our lives, that undermine the foundation that has been established, and that do not seem to have influence, but that in the long run damage our existence. In the book of the Song of Songs, Ch. 2, the Bible tells us about the "little foxes" that spoil the vines. These little foxes were introduced to the vineyards through holes that they made under the fence, since they undermined the foundation; they spoiled the beauty and productivity of the vineyard.

As wise believers, we must prevent some mistakes:

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