A Call for Empathy: Reflecting the Light of Christ in the Lives of People with Disabilities

Samuel Caraballo
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The author's daughter was born with Down syndrome and autism, leading him to reflect on what will happen to her when he is no longer here. He calls upon the Church to be a light in the dark for people like his daughter, by showing empathy and affective participation. He suggests ways in which congregations can support families with disabilities, such as assisting with medical appointments, providing accessible transportation, and creating an inclusive community. The author's family has established a non-profit organization to promote and train communities of faith to receive and include people with disabilities.

Four years ago a very special person came to my family. My daughter Natalia Luz Caraballo Martínez, was born to fill our lives with love and joy. Natalia's arrival introduced both my wife and me to the world of people with special needs. "Nati" was born with a condition known as Down syndrome. Over time Natalia has also been diagnosed within the Autism spectrum. And what I want to share with you is a reflection based on a question that both I and many parents of children like Natalia ask themselves every day, and this is,

What will happen to my daughter when we are no longer here?

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