He takes care of you

Milagros García Klibansky
Milagros García Klibansky

SUMMARY: Just like a grandparent watches over their grandchild, God's gaze is always on us, protecting us from the dangers of the world. If we imitate Jesus and follow his guidance, we won't stumble. But if we challenge God and try to be independent, we will suffer bruises of the soul. Seek God's guidance and follow the path to eternal life.

I went to find my granddaughter at the 'Circulo Infantil' (nursery). When I returned I followed her and my eyes were on her, always ready to stop any danger. After a while she got a bit crying and didn't want to walk anymore, but I urged her to do it and finally we got home.

I thought of God, I feel that He does the same, His gaze is always on us and has all his attention focused on protecting us from the dangers that lurk in this world, which would not harm us if we did not have that tendency to put ourselves in extreme situations and if We would obey the one who guides us to the letter, but no, we like to play at being independent and it is in this challenge to the Father that we stumble and bruise much more than our knees.

John 5.19 says: “… The Son cannot do anything by himself, except what he sees the Father do…” The word warns us, if we imitate him we would not stumble and his sure hand would guide us through the rough paths that we have to go through to reach his presence.

The bruises of the soul are worse than those of the skin and only He can heal them.

Seek his light, let yourself be guided, that your foolishness does not lead you to the spiritual precipice, follow the safe and protected path that leads to the path of eternal life. In prayer, allow yourself to hear his voice exhorting you to press on “… to the goal, to the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus” Philippians 3:14

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