A church of flesh and blood
Dr. Roberto Miranda(Audio: Español)
The passage in Luke 24:36-43 describes the moment when Jesus appears to his disciples after his Resurrection. He tells them to touch him and see that he has flesh and bones, emphasizing that he is not a spirit or a ghost. The pastor explains that the Resurrection was a powerful event that invaded human reality and has consequences for the now and the here. He urges Christians to understand that they inhabit a new reality in Christ, where the power of God can manifest in their lives. The Resurrection mixed the human and the divine in a new way, transforming the body of Jesus into a glorified one. Jesus walked on Earth after his Resurrection to declare God's victory over death and to let us know that we now inhabit a new potentiality and power.
In this sermon, the speaker discusses the importance of understanding the corporeality of Jesus and how it relates to our own humanity. He emphasizes that Jesus did not leave his humanity behind when he ascended to heaven, but instead ascended with a glorified body that still had the marks of his wounds. This allows for a real connection between Jesus and humanity, as he understands our struggles and pains. The speaker also stresses the importance of being accessible and down-to-earth as Christians, rejecting self-righteousness and embracing our humanity.
In this sermon, Dr. Roberto Miranda emphasizes the importance of balancing the spiritual and physical aspects of Christianity. He encourages the church to embrace and welcome all individuals, regardless of their background, and to address real-life issues such as finances, immigration, and sexuality. He also challenges the church to have a broader vision of heaven and to see it as a place where creativity and work are celebrated. Overall, the sermon emphasizes the church's role in penetrating and transforming all aspects of human reality with the values of the Kingdom of God.Luke 24:36. And the word of the Lord says: "While they were still talking about these things..." that is, about the Resurrection of Jesus Christ -the commotion that there was around the fact that Christ had risen, they commented about these things- "Jesus became in the midst of them and said: 'Peace to you, Shalom', he told them, then "shocked and frightened they thought they saw a spirit", and that is very... or that they saw a spirit, that they saw a ghost in other words. In the original Greek the idea is that they thought they were seeing a phantom –a ghost–, that was the idea. But He said to them: "Why are you troubled and these thoughts come to your hearts?" and this verse It is key to what I want to develop at this moment. "Look at my hands and my feet that I myself am, that I myself am. Handle and see because a spirit does not have flesh and bones" Luke 24:39. This is the key verse of this whole passage, I could even read only that Verse as a basis. "Look at my hands and my feet, that I myself am. Touch and see because a spirit does not have flesh and bones, as you see that I have".
Notice what He said there, right? Let's not spiritualize things too much, right? It says here, "a spirit has neither flesh nor bones, as you can see that I have", because sometimes, how many times have we tried to spiritualize the risen Christ a little? and perhaps we see him in a white robe, semi-transparent like a spirit; but look, it says here that he had "flesh and bones." Dare we say it had intestines too, wow! Do you dare to think that?, that it had a heart and esophagus, that it had ribs, hm?, that is, give meat to Jesus at that moment, do not take your meat from the Lord. It says here very clearly "a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see that I have." He had blood that was running through his veins. Visualize it in all its corporeality at that moment, which is very important.