The resurrection brings joy and power into your life

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The passage in John 11 about the resurrection of Lazarus reminds us of the power and meaning of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The resurrection brings hope, joy, and power into our lives, and it reminds us that Jesus is the embodiment of life itself. The fact that Jesus has life in Himself means that everything in the universe has coherence, meaning, purpose, and unity in Him. The resurrection is not just an event that happened two thousand years ago, but it is something that is fulfilled in our lives today. The resurrection gives us the strength to face the struggles and difficulties of life, knowing that Christ has already won the ultimate victory over death.

The passage in Colossians reminds us that Jesus is the image of the invisible God and the source of all creation. We should live our lives connected to Christ, who is the source of our energy and renewal. Through the resurrection of Christ, we have the hope of our own resurrection and eternal life. Death is not the end but a transition to a perfect, pure life. We should not mourn our loved ones too long as they are now enjoying an existence that we would like to enjoy. We need to understand that this world is not everything, and our death here is simply fleeting. Christ's resurrection opened a path for us to eternal life, and we should aspire to our own resurrection day.

The resurrection of Christ started a process that gives believers hope for eternal life. When a child of God dies, they are now in a place of eternal peace and rest. Christ is the source of life and guarantees our future resurrection. Through his resurrection, he shows his power and wants to give us specific faith for our problems in life. We can live in the power of the resurrection every day and have access to that power. Christ wants to completely nullify the damage in our lives and give us power and victory. We can find meaning in everything that happens in our lives because Christ is with us. We can throw Christ on top of our problems and trust in his power to defeat darkness and bring us life, light, and love.

The speaker emphasizes the importance of having a relationship with Christ, who is the source of life and the guarantee of our future resurrection. By accepting Christ into our hearts, we can live a peaceful life and not be afraid of death. The speaker invites anyone who has not yet made this commitment to raise their hand and pray with him. He also encourages those who have already accepted Christ to reaffirm their relationship with him and declare their victory over darkness and sin. The community is blessed and empowered by the resurrection of Christ.

John, Chapter 11, is a long chapter, I'm not really going to read it all, but I'm going to at least read verses that are relevant, and that are relevant to what we want to point out here, is the well-known passage on death and death. resurrection of Lazarus, and at this time, on this very special day in which we meditate on the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, this passage lends itself so that we can draw from that great event, a meaning that is very close to our lives.

Verse 1 says, then a man named Lazarus from Bethany, the village of Mary and Martha, his sister, was sick. Mary, whose brother Lazarus was sick, was the one who anointed the Lord with perfume, and wiped his feet with her hair, so they sent the sisters to say to Jesus, "Lord, behold, the one you love is sick", hearing Jesus said, " this sickness is not for death, but for the glory of God, so that the Son of God may be glorified by it."

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