The implications of the resurrection for our present life

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The resurrection of Christ is the culminating fact of the drama of salvation and has implications for our present life. Every believer enters a new dimension when entering the Christian life and is transferred from the power of darkness to the Kingdom of light. The power of the resurrection is already ours, operates by faith and not by sight, is not for the gifted but for the hard-working, and Christ who embodies that Power always goes before us in all circumstances of life. Many pious people love God but do not know the Power that is in the fact that we are children of God and have resources around us that Christ made possible through His resurrection.

The women who went to embalm Jesus' body did not realize that he had already been resurrected and were focused on the obstacle of the stone blocking the entrance to the tomb. However, the power of resurrection was already within them and they should have had faith in it. The power of resurrection works by faith, not by sight. Sometimes God does transformative things but it takes time for them to be observable in the realm of time and space, and that is the realm of faith. We should have faith in what God has declared for us, even if we cannot see it yet.

Resurrection power is not immediate, but a process of faith where God's declaration must be believed and internal processes take place. The power is not just for the gifted, but for the hardworking and those who surrender their weaknesses to God. After experiencing the power of the resurrection, the women had to return to their tasks and share the news of Christ's resurrection with those who were demoralized and defeated. God goes before and with us, and we should live at the height of our calling and destiny, even if it means fighting and having scars. God has great things for us, and we must live out the process.

Live up to your calling and destiny, even if you face challenges, scars and wounds. Trust in God and live by faith, not by sight or works. Remember that God has chosen you and has great things in store for you. Don't declare yourself defeated, but embrace the vision God has for you.

Mark 16 says "When the Sabbath had passed" that is to say Saturday, the Lord crucified Friday, third day Sunday, "when the Sabbath had passed, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and Salome bought aromatic spices to anoint him" anoint the body of the Lord "and very early on the first day of the week they came to the tomb after sunrise. But they said among themselves: who will roll away the stone for us from the entrance of the tomb? But when they looked they saw the stone rolled away from the tomb that it was very large. And when they entered the tomb they saw a young man" an angel evidently "a young man sitting on the right side covered in a long white garment and they were terrified."

"But he said to them: do not be frightened. Are you looking for Jesus the Nazarene who was crucified? He has risen, he is not here. Look at the place where they laid him, but go and tell his disciples and Peter that he is going before you to Galilee, there you will see him as he said."

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