Jesus Christ is the resurrection and the life

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The passage from John 6:37-40 connects the resurrection of Christ with our own resurrection hope. Jesus says that everyone who comes to him will not be rejected, and those who believe in him will have eternal life and be raised up on the last day. The resurrection is the central fact of the Christian faith, and without it, there would be no consummation of the deity of Jesus Christ. The fact that Jesus rose from the dead gives hope against the greatest enemy of humanity, which is death. By believing in Jesus, we too can have our own resurrection.

The fact of the resurrection of Jesus Christ demands a reaction from all of us. It is important not only to passively listen and agree, but to have our own reaction to it, to affirm it with our own mouth, with our own actions and words. The most important confession a human being can make is their faith in Jesus Christ, and it requires a formal declaration, not just a passive assent. The decision to follow Christ is the most important decision one can make and requires a specific ceremony, a moment. Christianity is a manual with instructions for all aspects of life, and it is important to continue to grow and learn more about the Lord. The church of Christ has a responsibility to not only bring people to Christ but also to lead them through the Christian career. The Gospel of Christ is something revolutionary and makes a difference, but it requires committed Christians who are educating themselves, growing, changing, and giving themselves to the Lord every day.

The speaker talks about the power of believing in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. He shares stories of individuals who found peace and comfort in their faith, even in the face of death. He emphasizes that believing in the resurrection not only assures us of eternal life, but also blesses us in this life by helping us to live free and abundant lives. The speaker encourages those who have not yet made their peace with Christ to do so, so that they may also experience the peace and hope that comes with believing in the resurrection.

The speaker invites those struggling with issues, addictions, or doubts to come forward and make a pact with Jesus. They encourage everyone to confess their problems and accept Jesus as their savior, regardless of their current situation. They ask believers to pray with those who come forward and bless them, and promise to help new Christians grow in their faith. The speaker blesses the new believers and congratulates them on their decision to follow Jesus.

I want to share with you a passage of scripture found in the Gospel according to Saint John, chapter 6. We want to celebrate and memorize this special day throughout all of Christendom. Let's go to verse 37 and I want to connect the resurrection of Christ with our own resurrection hope and explore what makes that connection possible between those two aspects. John 6:37 are words of the Lord Jesus Christ:

"...Everything that the Father gives me will come to me and he who comes to me I will not cast out..." It is important that you remember that, if you have come on this day and perhaps think that there is no hope for you or that the offenses that you have committed throughout your life are too great for the Lord to personify or for you to enjoy fellowship with the Father, if you are coming to him, if you have come to him on this day and are Looking for him the Lord will not reject you, if you are looking for him it is because he himself is inviting you, not because you came on your own but because the Lord himself wants to have fellowship with you. He is not going to throw you out, he welcomes everyone who comes to him.

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