The fig tree did not wither in an instant - living in the interim time of faith

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The passage from Luke 24 tells the story of the resurrection of Jesus and how two women who went to visit his tomb found it empty. Two angels appeared to them and asked, "Why do you look for the living among the dead?" The preacher explains that this moment represents the time of faith, when God does something transcendental but it takes time for it to manifest in the realm of time and space. The preacher gives examples of how God works in mysterious ways and sometimes takes time to answer prayers or fulfill promises, but it's important to believe and cooperate with the Holy Spirit. The passage teaches us to trust in God's promises and believe that things will happen in His time.

God sometimes takes time to fulfill his promises, but we must believe in them and live in the promises of the Lord. We must learn to live in the gap between the promise and its fulfillment. The Bible is full of great statements that God has made, and we must believe in them and celebrate them, even if we don't see them fully fulfilled yet. We must submit ourselves to the work of God every day and allow the Holy Spirit to shape us into the image of Jesus.

The speaker talks about the importance of believing in God's promises and working towards making them a reality in our lives. He emphasizes the need to have faith and not be limited by our current circumstances, but to keep fighting until God's promises become a complete reality in our lives. The speaker also encourages us to live in the light of the resurrection and to believe that we are victorious in Christ. He gives examples of people who have overcome limitations and found greatness in their difficulties. The speaker ends by saying that faith is the certainty of what is expected and the conviction of what is not seen.

The speaker emphasizes the importance of faith and believing in God's promises, even when circumstances may not seem favorable. He encourages his audience to keep working towards their dreams, and to not let the struggles of life bring them down. The speaker also expresses a desire for a revival in the city of Boston and for a great harvest of souls. He ends by asking God to make it rain and bring about a resurrection.

Luke chapter 24, the resurrection, and I'm just going to read a couple of verses. Imagine this pair of women, early morning, Sunday, they are depressed and sad because the Lord has been crucified, he has died

, they are not thinking about his resurrection or anything like that, for these women the The death of Jesus is something resounding, unappealable, definitive, and they are simply going to adore the body of the Lord with some aromatic spices, wrap it in the appropriate linens according to the time, fully prepare his body for its permanent stay in a dark cave where He now himself lies hastily placed there after his crucifixion, in these women there is no kind of hope or even suspicion that something transcendental has happened.

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