Romans 9-11

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: Chapters 9, 10, and 11 of Romans discuss God's plans for the Hebrew people and their relationship with salvation through Jesus Christ. Paul clarifies that not all Jews are children of God and that salvation is achieved through faith, not by works of the law. He also explains that God can do whatever He wants and uses sin to reveal spiritual truths to the world. The Hebrew people continuously rebelled against God, causing their hearts to become hardened and unable to enter into His plans. Lastly, the Jews stumbled on Jesus Christ, who became a stumbling block to their salvation.

The passage discusses how salvation is obtained through a simple confession of Jesus as Lord and belief in his resurrection, but many people stumble on this simplicity and try to find alternative plans for salvation. The passage emphasizes the importance of confessing Jesus with one's mouth and sharing the Gospel with others. It also discusses how the Jews, who could not accept Jesus as the Messiah, became a stumbling block to themselves. The passage encourages believers to be open and public about their faith, to be ready to share the Gospel, and to pray for opportunities to do so.

The speaker prays for a spiritual anointing and passion to be able to share the message of salvation with others. They also discuss how God has not given up on the Jewish people and that there is still a purpose for them in God's plan. They believe that there will be a revival in Israel and that God will gather his people from all over the world. They emphasize the importance of Christians loving and praying for Israel and that someday, all who confess Christ as their savior will be saved. The speaker also asks God to open their spiritual eyes and understanding.

We are going to go to Chapter 9 of Romans and notice how interesting, Chapters 9, 10 and 11 have been called by some as a parenthesis, they have said that it is like a parenthesis in the book of Romans, because Paul in those three Chapters introduces a It is a subject very different from the topics that he has been dealing with up to now, and it deals with Israel.

Until Chapter 9 he has been talking about spiritual principles, the choice of the world, the election of humanity, the principles of salvation, how man is saved, he has talked about the perdition of all humanity, we have all sinned, we are separated from the grace of God and only through faith in Jesus Christ can we be saved. He has talked about how every man is doomed to sin against God. We cannot be saved by our own works, because no one can fill all the law. That's why we need a savior, a go-between, and that go-between, Paul says, is Jesus Christ.

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