Romans 12

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: In Romans 12, Paul starts a new section of the letter with practical advice on how to live a life consecrated to God. He urges believers to present their bodies as living sacrifices, consecrated to be instruments of justice, love, kindness, and mercy. This means giving up sinful and harmful things and living a life consecrated to good and noble things. The Christian life is a continuous process of renewal and change, and believers must continually sacrifice their time, talents, money, and energy to be used for the glory of God. The term "rational worship" should be interpreted as true worship that is coherent, consistent, and reasonable. Overall, Paul emphasizes the importance of living a life consecrated to God and using our lives as instruments of blessings to others.

The true worship of the Son of God is living life as a sacrifice to God, consistently and with reason. Christians are counter-cultural and must not conform to the values of the world, but instead be in a continuous process of transformation and renewal through the study and immersion in the word of God. Reading the Bible daily and accumulating truths can bring wisdom and change understanding.

Living life as a true worshiper of God involves giving our bodies and everything we have to Him as a sacrifice, and continually renewing our minds through the study of His word. By doing this, we can verify the good will of God, experience His blessings, and enter into His purposes for our lives. We must be willing to sacrifice and give abundantly to God, just as the woman who spilled expensive perfume on Jesus' feet did. When we sacrifice for God, He opens the windows of heaven and pours out blessings until they overflow. We must put God first in our lives and trust Him with our peace, abundance, and provision. By living life as a living sacrifice, we can prove the goodness of God's will and experience the fullness of life in Christ.

Chapter 12, Romans. It's been a couple of Sundays before we last dealt with this book. Perhaps you will remember, the last thing we discussed was about the people of Israel, remember? Chapters 9, 10 and 11 and we are taking a tour through the Epistle to the Romans. We are already advancing quite a bit. The Epistle to the Romans has 16 Chapters, let's go to 12 today and there in verse 1 it says:

“.... So brothers, I beg you for the mercy of God that present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy, pleasing to God, which is your rational worship....”

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