Pure grace

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: In this sermon, the preacher focuses on the doctrine of salvation by grace, as expounded in the New Testament. He connects this doctrine to last week's sermon on forgiveness by grace, and notes that perpetual recognition of our sinful condition is key to living in grace. The preacher cites Romans 3:21-26, which emphasizes that our salvation is by pure grace of God, and not by works. He also refers to Psalm 32, which anticipates the doctrine of salvation by grace. The preacher notes that Paul, in Romans 4:6-10, also cites Psalm 32 as an exposition of the blessedness of the man to whom God attributes righteousness without works. The preacher emphasizes that salvation by grace is available to all, not just to the Jews, and that faith in God is what pleases God.

The Apostle Paul explains that our justification before God is based on faith, not works. Just as Abraham believed God and was justified, we too can be justified by believing in Jesus Christ. Confessing our sins and believing in Jesus' substitutionary sacrifice on the cross is the essence of justice in our lives. Good works are not a requirement for salvation, but they are evidence of our condition as children of God. The law was a scaffold that God used to prepare humanity for the coming of Christ, to make people conscious of sin and realize that they cannot save themselves. God's justice is now manifested through faith in Jesus Christ, and anyone who believes in him is saved, regardless of their background or behavior.

The speaker emphasizes the importance of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ as the only way to receive grace, forgiveness, and salvation. He warns against false doctrines that may rob Christ of his royalty and centrality. He invites those who haven't yet confessed their sins and believed in Jesus to do so and offers a simple prayer of salvation. He encourages them to live as children of the Kingdom of God and to take baptism as an expression of surrender to the Lord. The speaker ends by giving glory and honor to the Lord and blessing the congregation.

I want to invite you to go to the Letter to the Romans in Chapter 3. Let's go to verses 21 to 26. And I am going to call this sermon Pure Grace, it sounds like a brand of coffee or something but I am referring to something very important and it is that our salvation is by pure grace of God. Our condition as children of God is by pure grace of the Lord. And I am going to tell you a little about the genesis, the origin of this meditation, of this message. But before that we go directly to the word.

Try to make the correction between forgiveness by grace and the sermon we preached last Sunday, from Psalm 32, which begins by saying, "Blessed is the man, by extension blessed is the woman, whose transgression has been forgiven and her sin covered." That's like the second part of that message. The Apostle Paul says here:

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