Romans 14 - Prefer one another

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: In Romans Chapter 14, the Apostle Paul addresses a controversy in the local church in Rome where some Christians were cautious about what foods they ate and what days they observed, due to their previous religious backgrounds. Paul reminds them that in Christ, they have been freed from these external rituals and should not judge or despise those who do not share the same convictions. He emphasizes the importance of unity and harmony in the church, and that each person will give an account of themselves to God. The passage serves as a reminder for Christians to respect and welcome those with different opinions and backgrounds, and to prioritize unity in the church.

The Apostle Paul teaches us to respect diversity within the church, and not to judge or belittle those who hold different opinions or practices. We must learn to tolerate each other and know that while we are on earth, there will be differences. We cannot put people in a straitjacket and make them holy in our image and likeness. We must learn to handle diversity and understand that we are part of a community, where we must respect each other's space. We must be aware that we are not the owners of our brothers or sisters, and that their conscience belongs to God. We must pray for them, bless them, and thank God that they are in the house of God seeking Him. The Lord is faithful to make them stand firm one day.

The pastor speaks about the importance of respecting the diversity of opinions within the church, and recognizing that there is a part that only God can do in a person's spiritual journey. Each individual must be fully convinced in their own mind and respect others' convictions. The pastor emphasizes the importance of aligning actions with the eternal values of the Kingdom of God and not judging or putting down others. The church should be a place of harmony, love, and mutual respect.

Let us be a church that respects and gives space to others, recognizing the diversity of the human race and the mystery of God's dealings with his children. We should be a church of love, mutual respect, and reverence for one another. Help us find the right balance between passion for God's holiness and adherence to his commandments, and the freedom and forgiveness offered through Jesus. We bless the people in our town and ask for God's nourishment on families, youth, children, workers, and communities. Amen.

The sanctity of marriage. Romans Chapter 14, let's go there now quickly. Romans, Chapter 14, for our visitors, we continue our study of the epistle to the Romans. We are nearing the end. How many have benefited from that study of the epistle to the Romans? Amen. Glory to God. I hope so, because we have given the best we could.

I hope you realize how one can read the word, study it, in a systematic, continuous way. There is so much you can get out of Scripture when you study it like this, verse by verse. This is called exegesis. The exegesis of the word of the Lord is that study verse by verse, Chapter by Chapter. There is much benefit in this.

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