Let's aim for a transformed life

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Español)

RESUMEN: The apostle Paul invites Christians to transform themselves through the renewal of their understanding, as an alternative to conforming to the values of the world. This process of transformation is a gradual and ongoing one, where the person becomes more like Jesus Christ through the work of the Holy Spirit. The word for transformation in the original Greek means a change in form and nature, similar to the process of a worm transforming into a butterfly. Christians are called to aim for a transformed life, where they are unrecognizable from their former self and exemplify the attributes of a being transformed by the Power of God.

The apostle Paul invites us to a positive position and offers us an alternative to the life of the carnal Christian conformed to the values and desires of the world and says: rather, transform yourselves through the renewal of your understanding. That is the positive alternative and that is the call of God.

While we are continually submitting to the Lord and there is a process of continuous death or a living sacrifice that is losing its carnal and animal attributes and is becoming more and more like God, the Bible speaks that then simultaneously a process of transformation is taking place .

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