A long process

Alberto González Muñoz
Alberto González Muñoz

SUMMARY: Changing our behavior is possible but not easy. Surrendering to God and asking for forgiveness can be a short prayer with eternal implications. Conversion may not have a dramatic moment and can happen gradually. Receiving the Holy Spirit is the culmination of a pilgrimage that begins with recognizing the need for a change. The process of growth and change will last a lifetime, and it's important not to be discouraged when stumbling or struggling with old habits. God will gradually perfect his work in us.

Changing our behavior is possible, but it is not easy. The transformation of a life is never something instantaneous that is achieved overnight through a miraculous event that surprises everyone - even the same person - when it happens. The decision to seek God to change your life can be momentary, although some people also tend to experience a more or less long process while others believe in Jesus Christ and quickly repent of their sins upon hearing the Gospel message. Expressing to God the desire to change and asking God for forgiveness is generally a short prayer, although it has eternal implications.

The interesting thing is that not everyone is aware of when what we usually call conversion occurs. While some may identify a dramatic moment in their life of decision, others, especially those who have grown up in a Christian environment, or have listened for a long time to the message of the Gospel, one fine day realize how much what they have learned means to them and they realize that they live surrendered to God. What I intend to teach is that saying "I surrender to Christ" or "I repent of my sins" is a volitional action that although it changes the course of our life, we can take it in a moment and sometimes, not even remember the moment in which it was I take.

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