Let's walk in new life

Alberto González Muñoz
Alberto González Muñoz

SUMMARY: After conversion to Christianity, there is a deep desire to change habits of life. The most radical conversion is Saul of Tarsus, who was a fanatical persecutor of Christianity. After meeting Christ, he asked what he should do, and God's answer was for him to go to town and wait for further instruction. Ananias, an ordinary believer, instructed and blessed Saul, despite having less religious training. After conversion, there is a need to learn from others and a burning desire to do God's will and change behavior. A new life is the evidence that one is truly Christ's.

Anyone who undergoes a conversion to Christ feels a deep desire to change their habits of life. The most radical conversion presented to us in the Bible is that of Saul of Tarsus. He was the most fanatical persecutor of Christianity in the early days. He himself once said that he pursued this Way to the death, arresting and delivering men and women in jail (Acts 22: 4) . For a long time, persecuting Christians was the obsession of his life. However, after meeting Christ his first words were:

-Sr., what do you want me to do? (Acts 9: 6).

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