A radical change

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: To be renewed in understanding means to continually restructure the way we see the world and its values, including adopting a different interpretation of past experiences in light of our new life in Christ. This renewal allows us to see past traumas as instruments for personal growth and character development, instead of seeing ourselves as victims. We must also renew our understanding of the things in the world, recognizing that worldly successes and material possessions are ultimately garbage compared to the eternal things of God. The apostle Paul exemplified this change of mind, seeing everything he previously valued as garbage compared to the excellence of the knowledge of Christ. Through the lens of the Word, we can understand the world in a different way and appreciate eternal things above all else.

In Romans chapter 12 in verse 2 the Apostle Paul has made a tremendously complex and all-encompassing call to us to a life of transformation, of rejection of the world and of a continual renewal of the mind. And I want in this last meditation connected with verse 2 to do a deeper exploration of that renewal of understanding, what does it really mean in our life to be renewed and renew ourselves in understanding?

It means that we have to have a commitment, a perpetual restructuring of the way we see the world, its values and I would say that even more than that it is supposed that as children of God when we enter the Gospel we can look back , the experiences of the past and adopt a different interpretation of the things that have happened in our lives.

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