How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation?

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The writer of the Epistle to the Hebrews, similar to the Apostle Paul in Romans chapter 12, emphasizes the importance of taking seriously the great salvation received through Christ Jesus. The writer points out that in the previous plan of salvation in the Old Testament, God immediately brought punishment for disobedience and neglect of the plan. Therefore, Christians must be careful about how they behave and not neglect the seriousness with which they should serve the Lord. The salvation through Christ Jesus has been confirmed by those who heard God testifying together with them, with signs and wonders, and various miracles. The writer emphasizes that neglecting such a great salvation will lead to punishment and discipline from the Lord.

We are studying passages found in the Letter to the Romans in chapter 12. We have been talking about God's call to holiness, to consecration, to a life completely surrendered to the Lord that reflects the greatness and sublime character of the plan. salvation of God, that is at the height of the holy and just and perfect God that we serve.

So we have been there circling around the 12th chapter of Romans where the apostle Paul begins by saying: "So, brothers, I beg you by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy, pleasing to God, which is your rational worship." And I want to continue to emphasize that connection that the Apostle Paul makes between the greatness of God's revelation, God's plan, God's character and the calling in our own life that must then reflect, must be up to par, must be in equality and similarity at least with the greatness of the Gospel that we have received.

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