King James Version
And the standard of the camp of Reuben set forward according to their armies: and over his host was Elizur the son of Shedeur.(Numbers 10:18)
And over the host of the tribe of the children of Simeon was Shelumiel the son of Zurishaddai.(Numbers 10:19)
And over the host of the tribe of the children of Gad was Eliasaph the son of Deuel.(Numbers 10:20)
And the Kohathites set forward, bearing the sanctuary: and the other did set up the tabernacle against they came.
And the standard of the camp of the children of Ephraim set forward according to their armies: and over his host was Elishama the son of Ammihud.(Numbers 10:22)
And over the host of the tribe of the children of Manasseh was Gamaliel the son of Pedahzur.(Numbers 10:23)
And over the host of the tribe of the children of Benjamin was Abidan the son of Gideoni.(Numbers 10:24)

Other publications related to "Numbers 10:21":

Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas
Levites of the Living Christ
An article discussing the role of the Levites in serving the Lord and their significance in the church today.

Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas
This time I will praise the Lord
An article about the transformation of Jacob, the meaning of the name Judah and the importance of praising and glorifying God while fighting against plastic evangelism.

Numbers 10:21 - Cross Reference

And said unto them, Ye are the chief of the fathers of the Levites: sanctify yourselves, both ye and your brethren, that ye may bring up the ark of the LORD God of Israel unto the place that I have prepared for it. (1 Chronicles 15:12)
Then the tabernacle of the congregation shall set forward with the camp of the Levites in the midst of the camp: as they encamp, so shall they set forward, every man in his place by their standards. (Numbers 2:17)
And the tabernacle was taken down; and the sons of Gershon and the sons of Merari set forward, bearing the tabernacle. (Numbers 10:17)
And of Kohath was the family of the Amramites, and the family of the Izeharites, and the family of the Hebronites, and the family of the Uzzielites: these are the families of the Kohathites. (Numbers 3:27)
But unto the sons of Kohath he gave none: because the service of the sanctuary belonging unto them was that they should bear upon their shoulders. (Numbers 7:9)
But they shall not go in to see when the holy things are covered, lest they die. (Numbers 4:20)
This shall be the service of the sons of Kohath in the tabernacle of the congregation, about the most holy things: (Numbers 4:4)
And when the tabernacle setteth forward, the Levites shall take it down: and when the tabernacle is to be pitched, the Levites shall set it up: and the stranger that cometh nigh shall be put to death. (Numbers 1:51)
Then David said, None ought to carry the ark of God but the Levites: for them hath the LORD chosen to carry the ark of God, and to minister unto him for ever. (1 Chronicles 15:2)