When Jesus doesn't hurry

Omar Soto
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The story of Lazarus in the Bible teaches us about the power of Jesus over life and death. Jesus waited four days before going to see Lazarus, and Martha questioned why he didn't come sooner. Jesus asked her if she believed in him and his power to resurrect the dead. The story shows that even in moments of pain and trauma, we must have faith in God and his plan, even if it doesn't make sense to us. We must trust that everything will work out for the best, even if God doesn't do what we expect him to do. The story also teaches us that sometimes God works in mysterious ways that we may not understand, but we must have faith and trust in him.

In a dream, the speaker fell but felt the presence of God lifting them up. The speaker prays for God to inspire us to live a life according to His commands and to have faith in His power to bring life and light to our situations. They ask for blessings for those listening and for safety on their journeys home.

In this story, Jesus was in the city of Bethany, outside of Jerusalem, far from Jerusalem, the point is that obviously news reached him that Lazarus had died. And I've talked about this on other occasions and this always hits me, that when you receive a response like this it's like the initial reaction is like, wow, we're going there and we're going to be with the family and things like that.

For example, yesterday I received news that someone fell seriously ill in the hospital, that he had a stroke, and that news shocked me so much that I stopped doing everything I was doing here in the office and ran to the hospital. The reaction was like this.

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