Feeling the pain like Jesus
Milagros García KlibanskyIf we go to the tomb of Lazarus, we see a suffering Jesus and we find the shortest verse in the Bible: Jesus wept. (John 11:35) But how interesting that a little earlier, when Mary complains about her delay in arriving, we can read: "Jesus then, seeing her crying, and the Jews who accompanied her, also crying, were shaken in spirit and moved" John 11.33
It was the custom of the time to lament loudly and uncontrollably, but it was not the case with Jesus. He sheds tears of pain over the death of Lazarus because He could understand human pain (Isaiah 53: 3); A God-fearing and God-blessed family was in mourning. Grace sustains us, but it does not prevent mourning in the heart, especially if on good days we prostrate ourselves at the feet of Christ, we can come to his presence on a day of pain and find comfort.