Overcome obstacles in community

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The power of the mind is important in shaping our reality and what we expect to receive from God. We should ask the Lord for stronger faith and greater expectations of what He can do. The story of the paralyzed man being healed by Jesus teaches us about the importance of living life in community and being generous with others. Faith is often about overcoming obstacles, difficulties, and deficiencies that stand between us and what God wants to give us. We need to be strong and steadfast in our faith, even in the face of adversity.

Faith is about overcoming obstacles and deficiencies, daring to undertake the improbable, and risking things for God. Sometimes faith requires desperate or reckless actions, but God honors those who have nothing to lose and are willing to be aggressive in their pursuit of Him. The kingdom of heaven is for strong, daring people who believe that God is more powerful than any situation, and God likes those who are enterprising, dynamic, and militant in their faith. These are the people that God chose and blessed throughout the Bible, and they are the ones who fall and get back up and serve the Lord with even greater determination.

The story of the paralytic being healed by Jesus through the faith of his friends breaking through the roof is an example of how God responds to bold faith. When obstacles arise, we must persist and search for solutions, trust in God's promises, and put our needs before Jesus. God always attends to the needs that come before Him and will not ignore our faith. We should meditate on this passage and let its teachings and promises speak to us this week.

The mind is one thing, if you have a negative mind you do not expect anything from God, you are not convinced that God does not work in a certain way, that is what will happen in your life because your mind is powerful. What you think, according to what you think so you are. According to what you expect to see receive, this is how it will happen in your life. That is why we must ask the Lord for my faith, for my expectation of what you can do, for the parameters of what I believe that you are capable of doing. So that then you can do it because if your faith is tiny, that's how your reality will be. If your faith is great and powerful, so will your chances be too. Write that down there, I'll give it to you for free.

Chapter 5, Luke, verse 17.

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