When the Lord takes longer than we expect

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: We must always pray and present our needs to the Lord, leaving the response to Him. The story of Martha and Mary shows that they appealed to their friendship with Jesus and asked for His help in their crisis. The Lord invites us to ask and promises to answer our requests. Our part is to submit our requests and then rest, letting Him respond in His own way. Jesus stayed two more days before going to see Lazarus, who had died, because He wanted to set the stage for a great miracle and demonstrate His glory. Sometimes what we think is a loss or delay is actually God setting the stage for something greater in our lives. We should trust in God's sovereignty and never doubt His love or mercy.

There are many ways that God answers our prayers. What we have to do is leave that part to the Lord and do our part which is to pray to Him, cry out to Him and present our needs.

In the last segment we were talking about the Lord inviting us to make our needs known to the Lord in every prayer and I pray, says the apostle Paul. Instead of getting anxious and fearful what we have to do is discharge our needs to the Lord and He promises to answer and answer our requests.

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