Wake up

Omar Soto
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The passage from Haggai 1 speaks about the people of Israel who were returning to Jerusalem after their 70 years in exile in Babylon. They were discouraged and had settled into exile, comfortable with their present situation. They were also insensitive to God's heart's desire to return them to the place where he first planted them. They were focused on a prophetic word from Jeremiah, which was intended for a specific period of time. God wants to awaken our spirit and heart, to raise, excite, incite, provoke and open our eyes to His desire for our lives. We need to meditate on our ways and seek God's will.

The message is to wake up and be aware of what God wants to reveal in our lives. We shouldn't let our circumstances or achievements cloud our understanding of God's plan for us. We need to broaden our perspectives and align our priorities with God's will. We should come to church with an awakened heart and an expectation of what God wants for us. We should avoid negative news and focus on the positive things happening around us.

The speaker reflects on the need to wake up and respond to God's call in our lives. He encourages listeners to seek God's will in all areas of their lives and to trust in God's plan, even when it may involve taking risks or venturing into the unknown. He prays for God to reveal his purpose and to equip us to be good collaborators in expanding his kingdom. He closes with a prayer for God's blessing and protection as listeners go home and prepare for the next day.

Brethren, turn with me to the book of Haggai, Chapter 1. It is in the Old Testament nearing the end, after Zephaniah and before Zechariah. It's there between those two, between Zephaniah and Zacharias. Haggai, Chapter 1. I am going to read some verses from here, this is very interesting because this passage came to me today after a conversation I had with a person, after I spoke with this person, I felt in my heart to go and pray for a while, and I was saying, Lord, I need you to speak to me, based on that conversation, for me it was such a revealing conversation, that I said, Lord, I need you to speak to my spirit, to confirm something. Not only for my personal life, but also for what you are doing in us as a church. For me it has become a burden, but a good burden. Being able to be so, so in tune with the spirit of God, particularly on Wednesdays, my brethren, because I believe in my heart, that there is something that God is going to do with these midweek services. I believe it and I confess that supernatural visitations are going to take place here. I know that we are going to be hearing testimonies from people who are going to be transformed by the power of God, who have already been, but that it will also continue to happen, that you are going to arrive here on a Wednesday night, and It's going to be, wow, wait, today is Wednesday, today is Sunday, what is this? A new day in the week or something.

And my burden has become that, my burden has become the sense of being able to pray intensely asking the Lord for that visitation, my brothers. Please, at no time do I make this disclaimer, at no time that God forbid, to think that Wednesday nights are Pastor Omar's show, or Pastor Omar's service, God forbid to say that. What's more, may the Lord rebuke a thought like that. Because this has nothing to do with Pastor Omar, I know that I am a resource, I have made myself available to God, just as all of us make ourselves available to God. But this is a church service and it is a moment where we meet God, it is a moment where we come, we separate him, we have him there consecrated to him to fill us, to affirm us, to be able to continue with our daily lives, and look , to expose ourselves to the word of God that has so much to offer our lives.

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