Called to bear fruit

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The importance of bearing fruit as a member of the Kingdom of God is discussed using the example of the fig tree in Matthew 21 and Luke 13. It is emphasized that bearing fruit is not an option, but an inherent part of the identity of a child of God. The consequences of not bearing fruit are severe, as seen in the curse of the fig tree. The danger of only preaching a prosperity Gospel is also discussed, as it neglects the importance of serving the Lord and bearing fruit for His Kingdom. The importance of resting in God's grace and not getting anxious is also emphasized.

God calls us to live in His grace and use it to bear fruit for His kingdom. He wants us to be a channel of His power and blessing. However, if we do not bear fruit, we become an impediment to His work, and the grace and favor of God will cease to flow in our lives. Therefore, we must be willing to allow God to dig and prune things in our lives that hinder us from bearing fruit. We must also remember that the Christian life is a balance of experiencing both the glory and suffering of Christ. We should not come to the Gospel just to have a good time, but to celebrate, dance, and rejoice in the blessings of God, even if it comes with persecutions.

The speaker encourages the audience to embrace their identity as servants of God and disciples of Jesus Christ. He reminds them that a life of heroism and drama awaits them, with both glory and suffering. He urges them to renounce any easy interpretation of the Gospel and to be fruitful for the glory of God's name. He ends with a prayer for the church and a blessing for the audience.

I want to share with you a couple of Scripture texts that teach us about the importance, I would say about the inevitability of bearing fruit if one is a member of the Kingdom of God. And I am not going to say it as an obligation because that word is very sterile and very, I don't know, but it is an inherent part of the identity of a child of God, bearing fruit. You cannot be a fruit tree and not bear fruit, it is a contradiction, and you cannot be an anointed believer filled with the Holy Spirit if you are not bearing fruit for the glory of God and for the advancement of His Kingdom.

Let's come to Matthew 21, verses 18 and 19, a very significant event, easy to miss in the whole course of things that happened to the Lord Jesus Christ in all His earthly Ministry, but very eloquent when we examine it in the light of all that The Word says about bearing fruit and producing works that redound to the benefit of the Kingdom of God.

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