Romans 12 (Part 5)

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Dr. Roberto Miranda

SUMMARY: The passage in Romans 12:9-13 talks about attitudes towards each other, rather than just serving. The emphasis is on how we should treat each other with love without hypocrisy, putting others before ourselves, being diligent, fervent in spirit, rejoicing in hope, resisting in tribulation, constant in prayer, sharing with the needs of the saints, and practicing hospitality. Love should be pure and not mixed with personal gain or manipulation. We should love freely, without interest, as God loves us. We should ask the Lord to purify our love and remove all impurities.

Let's go to verse 9, I think that's where we last left our meditation on this passage. To our visitors, we are preaching a series of horizontal sermons, because they refer to daily life, not necessarily vertical life in the sense of just the spiritual, God, things up there, but also things on the ground, on the earth. These things that have to do with daily life, the life of human relationships, character, the way we treat each other, attitudes, mental and emotional habits that we have, things that often make us stumble in the Christian life and that do not allow us to fully enjoy the blessings that God has for us. And we've been reading the first 8 verses. We have been meditating on these verses and this morning we are going to continue.

Let's go to verse 9. “Love be without pretense. Hate the bad. Follow the good. Love one another with brotherly love. As regards honor, preferring one another. Not slothful in what requires diligence, fervent in spirit serving the Lord, joyful in hope, long-suffering in tribulation, constant in prayer, sharing for the needs of the saints, practicing hospitality.” Glory to the Lord. Bless Lord your holy word.

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