The importance of a life totally surrendered to the Lord

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The foundation of a prosperous and blessed life is a total surrender of one's being to the Lord, an unambiguous, unconditional commitment to God. This total consecration of the being allows us to receive all the nutrients of the Word of God, and it is the beginning of the invincibility of a believer. When a Church is made up of men and women who know what it is to be a follower of Jesus, a Christian, a consecrated people, coming to the House of God is not a commitment, but a privilege, a celebration. The Apostle Paul calls for this kind of attitude in light of all that God has done for us and all that God has invested for us before we ever go back inside.

I want to take a few minutes to speak based on the text of Romans chapter 12 that I did this morning because, in the process of this new 9 o'clock service, I wanted to add my own words that I know I already add and I have done an extraordinary job of teach that ministry, but now that we are bigger and that there are other groups I have also wanted to instill in the heart of that service and as I do with you also about certain important values for our Church, values that we hope our Church will always have as essential in its constitution, its spiritual DNA, which are the things that we consider fundamental, which I believe are the foundation of a blessed life, a prosperous life, a successful life, a life spiritually sensitive to the things of the Lord, a life that be able to receive from God and be able to move with power in the world, and meet the inevitable attacks that come to the life of a believer and overcome in you Every situation, a prosperous life in other words that we believe is the destiny of every believer.

What is the secret of a prosperous and blessed life, what is the foundation, where does this process of blessing begin in the life of a believer? and I hope this meditation helps us understand this. Romans chapter 12 verses 1 and 2, a long time ago I preached about this passage but it is worth remembering it again: "Therefore, brothers, I beg you by the mercies of God that you present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy, pleasing to God, which is your rational worship; do not conform to this century but transform yourselves" that word is very important "transform yourselves through the renewal of your understanding so that you can verify what the good will of God is pleasant and perfect" may the Lord bless His holy Word, amen.

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