power to evangelize

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Español)

RESUMEN: In this sermon, the speaker emphasizes the importance of being filled with the Holy Spirit and the radical commitment it requires. He notes that those who are filled with the Holy Spirit are loyal to the Kingdom of God above all other human allegiances and that their spiritual family is more important than their biological family. He also discusses the importance of a church filled with the Holy Spirit, which can cause a commotion in society and exert influence over the government, economy, arts, media, and academic world. He gives examples of how institutions like Harvard, Yale, and Princeton were founded by committed Christians to train men for Christian service and promote the values of the Bible, but have become corrupted and secularized over time. The speaker believes that when a community is filled with the Holy Spirit and founded on the word of God, there is prosperity, blessing, and influence.

The church gains influence and power when it is filled with the Holy Spirit and lives according to the values of the Gospel. Families that have come to León de Judá have prospered and become successful. The devil cannot take away from the church what God gives it. When God's anointing is on your life, even the devil's curses are turned into a blessing. We must make sure our homes are places where the presence of the Lord can rest. The church must gain its authority and be a righteous, upright, and anointed church to speak with authority to leaders who are not working for the community. The crucifixion of Jesus Christ and the persecution of the first Apostles were not because they wanted to do it, but because it was God's will. We must ask the Lord for boldness to speak His word and for signs and wonders to be done in our midst.

The speaker urges the audience to ask God for signs and wonders in their midst, and to continually ask for the filling of the Holy Spirit. He shares personal experiences of divine appointments and encourages listeners to share their faith with others, even if they feel inadequate or afraid. The speaker emphasizes that the power of God is within each individual and urges them to use it by faith to influence their community and do the work of the Holy Spirit.

The speaker encourages the audience to believe in the power of the Holy Spirit within them and to have faith to do great things for God. They need to move past their fear of failure and believe that they are spiritual giants with the ability to conquer cities, heal the sick, and spread the Gospel with power and authority. The speaker leads the audience in a prayer to receive the anointing of the Holy Spirit and to believe in their calling as servants of God.

Last Sunday those who were here will remember, we talked about the effects, the qualities that characterize the baptism of the Holy Spirit. How many remember that teaching? Say amen, even if it's to make me feel good. We are going to continue. I want these teachings to be the moment, they are in the moment of God and I know that God has many things that he is doing in our hearts. I know what mine is doing as I meditate on these truths from God's word. I believe that these teachings will mark our congregation forever. We are not going to go back on this insistence on the filling, the anointing of the Holy Spirit. I know that sometimes 9 in the morning is a little early for you to feel the anointing of the Holy Spirit but you can feel it and you can learn about it.

There's a passage in Acts, Chapter 4 that I want us to look at for a little while. Acts, Chapter 4, verse 23 onwards. A scene where the disciples at the very beginning of Pentecost are visited with a special anointing from the Holy Spirit. He is talking about Peter and John who have just left the council where they are imprisoned and threatened. It says that:

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