The anointing of the Holy Spirit

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: In this sermon, the preacher discusses the importance of the anointing of the Holy Spirit in the Christian life. He uses the story of Saul in the Old Testament to illustrate how even imperfect people can receive the anointing of the Holy Spirit. The preacher emphasizes the importance of using symbols and external actions in the Pentecostal tradition to access the depths of the spirit world. He encourages believers to live a life filled with the Holy Spirit and not be ignorant of the mysteries and subtleties of this spiritual dimension.

The anointing of the Holy Spirit is necessary for believers to fulfill difficult tasks beyond their own abilities. Praise and worship are important for the anointing to flow, but believers also need to actively seek and fan the flames of the anointing in their lives. The anointing opens up a supernatural dimension for believers, enabling them to perform extraordinary and supernatural works. Understanding the gifts of the Holy Spirit is also important for believers to grow and manifest these gifts.

The baptism of the Holy Spirit adds a dimension of potentiality to your life, allowing the gifts of God to manifest within you. However, it is up to you to cultivate and use these gifts. The Holy Spirit changes the wiring of your soul and spirit, leading to a passion and fire for the Lord, authority in speaking, and an ability to carry out tasks. When you receive the anointing of the Holy Spirit, you must believe and act on it in faith, doing whatever comes to your hand. Start small and do the best job possible, and God will give you more anointing. Fan the fire of the gift of God in you, and believe that God is with you, making you the majority wherever you are. Saul's heart was changed by the Spirit of God, and he prophesied among the prophets, leading people to marvel at the change in him.

The passage discusses the story of Saul and how he was anointed by God and prophesied with the prophets. The speaker emphasizes the importance of having the anointing of God in one's life and how it can lead to great things. They urge listeners to seek the baptism of the Holy Spirit and to be filled with the power of God. The speaker encourages individuals to take responsibility for their own anointing and to seek it out for themselves and their families. They end by asking the Lord for a fresh anointing and for the Holy Spirit to baptize them.

You know that this is a small series, within a larger series that I have called "doctrinal sermons" or "orthodox sermons" where I am going through different key doctrines of the Christian life for those who visit us and those who have not been lately here with us.

This is a series of sermons where I talk about the nuts and bolts of faith and Christian theology. And evidently one of the most important things is the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Because we have said that this is what maintains a vital spiritual life. What makes it possible for us not to fall, in light of what we have talked about the importance of works and grace, that we do not fall into rigidity, legalism, self-righteousness and the mechanical character that sometimes results when the anointing of the Holy Spirit is not lubricating.

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