What it costs to follow Christ

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Español)

RESUMEN: In Luke 14:25-33, Jesus speaks about the cost of discipleship and what it means to truly follow Him. He turns to the large crowds following Him and says that if anyone does not hate their family and even their own life, they cannot be His disciple. He also says that anyone who does not carry their own cross and give up everything they possess cannot be His disciple.

The León de Judá Congregation's mission is to promote the formation of disciples who are radically committed to the Kingdom of God. This means creating a Church of people who understand what it means to be a true disciple and who have left everything to follow Jesus throughout their lives.

The Gospel is not just a religion that prepares us for heaven or an appendage to life, but rather the center and foundation of our lives, the point of reference for all we do, think, and feel. Being a disciple of Jesus means a radical commitment and a willingness to give up everything for Him.

The speaker is criticizing a distorted and truncated version of the Gospel that presents God as a Sugar Daddy who only wants to give us what we want and need. He argues that to be a true disciple of Jesus, we must accept Him as Lord of our lives and leave everything behind to follow Him. This means having a radical commitment to the Kingdom of God and not looking back at what we left behind. He also emphasizes the importance of being a disciple and not just affiliated with a Church, which means being mentored by someone and living in the House of the Kingdom of God.

Being a disciple means leaving one's own culture and moving to the Kingdom of God, obeying everything that is ordered, observing and imitating Christ, treating Him with reverence and holy fear, seeing life as a perpetual training process, and being prepared to serve and do the works of the Master. This includes works of justice, power, evangelism, and generosity. The Lord is always preparing us for this and we must consecrate ourselves to a life of radical surrender to Him.

Let's go to Luke chapter 14 verses from 25 to 33, I'm not going to read them all but from 25 to 27 and then to 33. In my Bible the title of this passage is: "What it costs to follow Christ", what it costs to follow to Christ.

Did you know that being a legitimate, trustworthy Christian has a cost, has a price? well, we can say: evidently it cost the Father His only begotten Son. It cost Christ his life, he cost the greatest suffering that a man, a human being could ever experience. His salvation, his identity as the Son of God has cost infinity, but does it also cost us something to be Christians? What is the cost of discipleship, what is the cost of following Jesus, of being able to enjoy the benefits and privileges of being an authentic, legitimate child of God?

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