release to receive

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The passage in Luke 9:1-6 teaches us about the attitude we must adopt as servants of the Kingdom of God. While power and authority are important, the Lord wants us to cultivate an attitude of dispossession and detachment from material things. This is important to avoid corruption and the loss of legitimacy and values of the Kingdom of God that has happened throughout history when the Church has received power and prosperity. We must be prepared within ourselves first, with a heart that is not attached to material things, so that when blessings come, we can enjoy them without putting our affection on them. The Lord wants us to use His power and authority in a Kingdom way, with an attitude of dispossession and detachment from material things.

God wants to give authority and power to His Church, but first, individuals must go through a process of crucifixion, dispossession, and putting their treasures where they belong. Abraham was willing to sacrifice his son, and the rich young ruler was asked to give away his wealth. The Lord wants to settle in what people love the most, to sign a voucher stating that it belongs to Him, so that individuals can be used by Him. God wants to create a people who have died to self and live for the Kingdom of God.

The speaker encourages adopting a disciple mentality, where one dies to self and lives for the Kingdom of God. He shares personal stories of God's provision and encourages giving everything to God and living like a pilgrim. He invites anyone who has not yet given their life to Jesus to do so. The speaker ends with a prayer for God to establish His purpose in the church and for His glory to be seen in the nations.

Luke chapter 9, verses 1 to 6, the Word says: "Having gathered his twelve disciples, he gave them power and authority." The Lord Jesus gave his disciples power and authority over all demons and to heal diseases, and he sent them to preach the Kingdom of God and to heal the sick. Very important this endowment of power.

But I want to talk about other things that are even more important, I think. "And he said to his disciples: take nothing for the journey, neither staff nor bag, nor bread nor money, nor take two tunics. And whatever house you enter, stay there and leave there. And wherever you are not received Go out of that city and shake off the dust from your feet as a testimony against them. And leaving they went through all the villages announcing the Gospel and healing everywhere." The Lord bless his Word.

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