An urgent gospel

Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas
Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas

SUMMARY: The passage of Matthew 8: 19-22 teaches us that following Christ requires great sacrifice, and many may be unwilling to pay the price. Three disciples missed the opportunity to follow Christ because they were not prepared to prioritize the Kingdom above their own comforts and obligations. However, as Christians, we are all spiritually qualified to witness and proclaim the Savior in our daily lives. God is looking for evangelists, and we should not be ashamed to share the Gospel and embrace the call to serve the needy and reach the lost. The Gospel is the power of God, and we are all chosen to proclaim it without excuses.

We should not be surprised that the laborers are few while the harvest grows larger and larger. The price of following Christ is great and many of us know that , but the great price was paid by Him. The passage of Matthew 8: 19-22 is an invaluable teaching for us as members of his Body. The Word says that in the midst of the crowd, a scribe approaches the Lord and proposes to follow him “wherever you go”. Jesus, who knows the heart of the human being and discerns the thoughts, put him to the test by telling him that He, being the Teacher, did not even have a place to lay his head. Although the bible does not clarify it, it seems that the scribe left the place when he heard the Lord's comment. He was evidently unwilling to follow the Master under such precarious conditions for someone who was surely used to a better lifestyle. Later, another enthusiast comes to the Lord and tells him that he would follow him, but first he had to bury his dead father. Jesus invites him to follow him (Mt. 8:22), but there is also no biblical evidence that he did. You notice a sense of urgency from Jesus when he says "Follow me"!

In another account of the Gospel according to Luke, we are told of another disciple of Christ who promises to follow the Lord but asks him to go first to his house to say goodbye to his family. Jesus answered that he was not fit for the Kingdom of God who, putting his hand to the plow, looks back. Evidence that the disciple was not yet ready to go on the journey and suffer for Christ's sake. Any coincidence with our personal realities? Have you ever heard the voice of God calling you to follow him and have you shielded yourself in excuses like these? I hope not.

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