Defining our condition as disciples

Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas
Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas

SUMMARY: Being a disciple of Christ requires definition and recognition of his Lordship in our lives. We must reduce our doctrinal equipment to a Christocentric theology and strive to live as role models without hypocrisy. Two sermons by Dr. Roberto Miranda challenge us to make a decision and be radically committed to the Kingdom of God.

Christ longs for disciples who will imitate him in all things; disciples committed to the extension of his Kingdom here on earth; disciples with the courage of Elijah when he invited the people of Israel to define themselves on which God they would serve, the Baal of the hypocrites or the Lord of Armies (1 Kings 18:20). Elijah was a disciple of Christ, but so are you. He waits for you, for me, for all his children to drink in the waters of his Gospel, precious discipleship that gives us the opportunity to define ourselves once and for all.

To be disciples of Christ there is a first non-negotiable condition: to recognize above all things the Lordship of Christ in our lives and for that we need definition. If we do not become aware of it, of what it means, what it means to walk straight next to the Master, we can never experience the fullness of his presence, the inexpressible joy of feeling him Master. I suffer from this sweet disease and I do not want to be cured. It is the disease of wanting to be a true disciple of Christ. Am I truly defined? Is my worldview, my belief system compatible with the essence of Scripture? Is my life a role model for those around me? What am I missing?

Perhaps you, dear brother or sister, have asked yourself these same questions. The truth is that wanting to be like Christ must be the desire of every child of God, but first we must define ourselves, reduce our doctrinal equipment to a radically Christocentric, practical, living, testimonial theology, with the only God reigning in each space of our being and life, without double standards, or hypocrisy, or self-righteous spirit. Feeling like a disciple of Christ is easy, the difficult thing is to be one. We need definition!

Two sermons by Dr. Roberto Miranda published at deepen the theme of this reflection. ' 2012 - Year of definition ' challenges us to make a decision and not fall into a mediocre and lukewarm Christian life. ' Disciples radically committed to God ' calls for our very root, the foundation of our being, to be committed to the Kingdom of God. This reflection is an extract; click to view original version .

Other publications related to "Defining our condition as disciples":

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Disciples radically committed to God
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Dr. Roberto Miranda
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In this article, Dr. Roberto Miranda speaks about the cost of discipleship and what it means to truly follow Christ. He emphasizes the importance of having a radical commitment to the Kingdom of God and being a true disciple, not just affiliated with a church. Being a disciple means leaving ones own culture and being prepared to serve and do the works of the Master.

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