A life radically committed to the Kingdom of God

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The theme of consolidation is the focus for the Church, with a commitment to serving the Kingdom of God. People should come to Christ not just for personal gain or happiness, but to serve Him and find their identity in Him. The Christian life is a race that requires patience, and our gaze should be fixed on Jesus as our model. Christ suffered the cross for the joy set before Him, which was the redemption of humanity. Happiness comes after being treated by God, and we should ask God to remove obstacles in our lives so that we can experience joy.

The Lord's suffering and sacrifice on the cross was for the redemption of humanity, and His example should be our focus in times of difficulty. We should look to the joy that is set before us and understand that everything we go through is being used by God for our improvement and growth. We must not forget that God disciplines us because He loves us, and we should not despise His discipline or faint when rebuked by Him. When we enter into the ways of the Lord, we are welcomed to an arduous life of discipline, training, and formation, but it is all for our own good and the building of our character. Our priorities should be on becoming more like Christ, rather than seeking temporary happiness and pleasure.

The author emphasizes that God is more concerned with our holiness and character than our happiness. God disciplines us to shape us into the best version of ourselves, and we should not belittle or deny His discipline. The reason we enter the Gospel is to participate in God's holiness and become more like Christ. The author encourages readers to give up anything that hinders their growth and to ask God to shape them into the person He wants them to be. The fruit of discipline may not be joyful at first, but it ultimately leads to a peaceful and righteous life.

We should not hold onto things that cause us pain. If there is something hindering us, we should give it to the Lord and let Him form us and make us like His son. We should serve only the Lord and put everything at His feet. We should prioritize knowing God, participating in His sufferings and glory, and bringing others to Christ. We should allow God to do what He needs to do in our lives to help us reach our goals. Let us create a Church that truly serves God and knows the reason for doing so.

This year the theme of consolidation is our north and our point of reference, and what we are doing is like strengthening, consolidating, insisting on those fundamental values of our Church, values of which the Lord has spoken to us through the years and that are like the hallmark that we always want to maintain in everything we do and preach.

And one of those values is a life radically committed to the Kingdom of God, our desire is to be a Church that serves the Lord just because, that serves the Kingdom of God because there is nothing better than serving the Kingdom of God; it is more important than the interests of the Lion of Judah or the interests of the Shepherd, or whatever, simply being completely delivered, dedicated to the Lord.

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