Disciples radically committed to God

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The key word for understanding our relationship with Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God is disciple. Being a disciple means being subject to the Lordship and authority of Jesus Christ in all areas of our lives. However, statistics show that despite a large percentage of Americans attending church, there is still moral and spiritual deterioration in society. The distinction between being a Christian and a disciple is important, as disciples are radically committed to the Kingdom of God. Romans 14:7-9 and Luke 14:25-27 emphasize the importance of detachment from worldly attachments and prioritizing the Lordship of Christ in our lives. The Lordship of Christ was earned through his death and resurrection, giving him dominion over all creation. Therefore, being a disciple means recognizing and submitting to the Lordship of Christ in all aspects of our lives.

The Christian life is a life of complete detachment from material possessions and worldly desires. This detachment includes emotional ties to money, relationships, and the opinions of others. Christians must ask themselves what God thinks, rather than what others think. To be a disciple, one must renounce all possessions and prioritize the Kingdom of God. The Apostle Paul is an example of complete surrender to Christ. When Christians let go of worldly desires, they can experience true happiness and receive blessings from the Lord. Christians also receive spiritual power and authority when they surrender their lives to Christ.

The pastor speaks about the importance of living as a disciple of Jesus Christ and surrendering everything to Him. He shares a testimony of a young man who saw God move in his family's financial situation because he invested in fasting, praying, and seeking God. The pastor challenges the congregation to live as authentic and genuine Christians, to give their time, money, and property to the Kingdom of God, and to obey the principles of serving and loving others. He invites people to come forward to give their lives to the Lord and to be disciples of Jesus Christ. The pastor prays for those who come forward and asks God to make León de Judá an exemplary congregation of committed followers of Jesus Christ.

There is a key word that helps us how to see ourselves with respect to Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God and it is the word disciple, we are disciples and by being disciples that means that we are subject to the Lordship and authority of Jesus Christ in all things. areas of our life.

And before going fully into it, one more thing, so that you know how to situate yourself well in meditation. You may remember that last Sunday those of you who were here had Dr Dennis Peacocke, who is a man very involved in ministry leadership and global strategic thinking and who has been used of God for 35 years of ministry in many parts of the world. , and Dennis left us a challenge, do you remember being disciples well? How many remember that passage? And that message and the fact, he said something intriguing and somewhat disturbing also that Christians are not going to change the world, nor are they capable of changing the world, and that kind of goes against what one is normally used to. hear. It is not Christians who are going to change the world, but who? disciples.

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