Honor Jehovah with your possessions

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The speaker wants to inspire the audience to not only give towards the construction of a new temple but also enrich their lives with principles that go beyond this project. He believes that God wants a people who are aggressive and visionary. He shares the Proverb 3:9-10, which says to honor the Lord with your possessions and first fruits, and your barns will be filled with abundance. He explains that honoring God means preferring Him, flattering Him, exalting Him, and giving Him a special place. The speaker believes that this is the essential ethics of a Christian and the principle that should always define one's life in the Kingdom of God. He also reflects on the mysterious nature of the universe and encourages the audience to seek more from God.

The essential ethics of Christianity is to honor and glorify God with all of our possessions, talents, time, and aspirations. Unlike secular human beings who believe they can use their possessions however they want, those who are touched by divine revelation understand that everything they have is from God and exists for Him. The primary use of our goods is to bring honor to the Lord and to serve as instruments for His glory. The more we consecrate our goods to God and serve Him with them, the more we will be blessed and prospered. We may go through difficult times, but in the end, the good guy always wins in God's movies, and He has good things in store for us.

The Bible teaches us to honor God with our goods and give generously to our brothers. When we withhold from God or accumulate wealth without giving back, it turns into something illusory and can lead to destruction. However, when we honor God with our goods and give generously, we receive blessings, including material abundance and joy. God wants us to enjoy life and have a blessed old age, regardless of our material possessions. We should strive to live with an ethic of generosity and grace, giving and serving all the days of our lives.

My desire in bringing these meditations has not only been to inspire you to give, to keep your commitment alive, and that in this way our church benefits from your project, mine and the Lord's first, to build a new temple, but you will also remember that one of the purposes of my meditations has been to invest in your lives, enrich your lives, sow in you principles that go far beyond this time of construction

, when that temple It is finished that you have this knowledge and this word of inspiration to live a creative life, an entrepreneurial life, a visionary life, a life that does not settle for barriers, but breaks down barriers and goes beyond, God wants a people aggressive, God wants a visionary people.

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