Honor Jehovah with your possessions

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The meditation is titled "Honor Jehovah with your goods" and is based on Proverbs 3:9-10. It emphasizes the principle of stewardship, that we are stewards, not owners, of what we have, and that we should use our possessions, talents, and relationships for the glory of God and the advancement of His Kingdom. Honoring God means putting Him above all else, loving Him above all things, and giving generously to Him and to others. The result of this lifestyle is a blessing and abundance from God.

Being generous with our goods is not only a passive omission, but it is also an active fault that leads to ruin and scarcity. We should honor God with all our goods and use them to enrich the lives of others. The firstfruits of our harvest should be given to God as a way of recognizing that our blessings come from Him. We should not let fear dominate us and give out of principle, not just emotions. The generous soul will prosper and be satisfied.

The principle of giving to God is that when we use our goods to enrich the lives of others, we will also receive blessing and provision when we are in need. We should honor God with the firstfruits of all our goods, giving Him the best and what costs us. Giving generously to God not only brings material prosperity but also joy, peace, health, and the ability to enjoy the simple things in life. Living according to the principles of the Kingdom of God brings blessing and prosperity. The speaker blesses the congregation and encourages them to renounce everything that is not of God and serve Him faithfully.

I want to title this meditation "Honor Jehovah with your goods" and I have chosen it precisely because of the appropriateness of the topic we are dealing with this morning and I want to enrich it again, these are principles not only applicable to a specific moment in life like the one you are living this Congregation now and a call now to give to a specific cause, these are principles by which we must live every day of our lives; They must always govern all the things we do and there is a blessing, a promise that comes as a result of that way of living.

I am giving you gold here right now in terms of how you can live prosperous, blessed lives, illumined by God's wisdom, eased by God's grace-filled wind when we flow and our lives are founded on sound spiritual principles. .

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