There is a lot of work to be done

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The speaker discusses the importance of building a temple for the glory of God and advancing the kingdom of God. He references King David's speech in 1 Chronicles 29 where David emphasizes the great work that is being done for God and calls for the people to contribute to the building of the temple. The speaker stresses the need for prayer and financial support, and encourages the congregation to focus on this effort and limit other activities for the time being. He expresses gratitude for the church's past efforts in building, and emphasizes the importance of continuing to sacrifice for the glory of God.

The speaker expresses gratitude for the church's growth and the lack of extreme sacrifices that have been needed for its development. He encourages people to donate to support the church, which is a stronghold of the kingdom of God. He reminds people that everything they have is from God, and giving to God is an act of generosity. The speaker lives under the premise that everything belongs to God and seeks His guidance in all aspects of life.

That beautiful building that is rising like a precious ear is a sign that the kingdom of God is advancing, and one of the reasons why we are building this temple is precisely to tell the world that the kingdom of God is advancing and It's not going back, is it? I want to look quickly in first Chronicles, chapter 29, where King David, when he is going to build the sanctuary, the first temple, the temple of Solomon, Solomon was the one who built it but David, the father who conceived in his heart the desire to build it God told him, it's not going to be you, it's going to be your son who is going to do it. But when David was going to entrust the work to Solomon, he gave a speech to the people, and that speech is something that, very beautiful and very exemplary, and teaches us the heart of this man of God.

First Chronicles 29, says brother David, 29:1, says: "Then King David said to the whole assembly, only Solomon my son has God chosen, he is young and tender of age, and the work is great" . Tell everyone the work is great. "Because the house is not for men." You know that this house is not for man, it is not to glorify a man, it is not to glorify a church, no, it says "but for Jehovah our God. I have prepared with all my strength for the house of my God, I pray for gold things, silver for silver things, bronze for bronze things, iron for iron things, and wood for wooden things" etc, no?, and all kinds of precious stones, in addition to this it says: "for how much I have my affection in the house of my God".

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