God's heart for your home

Omar Soto
(Audio: Español)

RESUMEN: In this sermon, the speaker discusses the heart of God for his house, which refers not only to a structural building but also to the body of believers who make up the church. The speaker emphasizes the importance of sharing what is in one's heart with others and the desire God has to share his heart with his people. The speaker references First Kings Chapter 9, in which God tells Solomon that his eyes and heart will be on the temple forever. The speaker emphasizes the need for believers to stay under God's cover and not be influenced by other things that may draw them away from God's intended path for them.

The speaker discusses the importance of paying attention to God's intentions and messages. He references the story of Solomon and how God's eyes and heart were on the temple he built. The speaker emphasizes the need to be under God's covering and to listen to his messages, as there may be consequences for ignoring them. He also mentions the seriousness of God's discipline and the importance of living with integrity and following God's commandments. The speaker encourages readers to read 1 Kings 8 and 9 for further insight.

The speaker prays to God, thanking Him for listening to their prayers and asking for forgiveness. They praise God for the good intentions He has for the León de Judá Congregation church and ask for guidance and discipline to become better servants in His kingdom. The speaker asks for blessings and peaceful sleep for their fellow church members, and for God to reveal His plans to them in their dreams. The prayer ends in Jesus' name.

Let's go to the Book of First Kings Chapter 9 and today I would like to talk to you about this topic: 'The heart of God for his house'.

Listen to that: God's heart for his house. You know very well that many times, when I speak, or have spoken with you here these nights, every time I refer to church, I am not only talking about a structural building, but rather we are talking about what each one of you does. …. that?

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