the heart of the father

Samuel Acevedo
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: This sermon is about the parable of the Prodigal Son in Luke 15:11-32. The younger son asks for his inheritance and wastes it living riotously in a far-off land. He ends up herding pigs and eating carob beans to survive. Meanwhile, the father waits for him, broken and loving him. This parable is more about the father's heart than anything else. The father gives his sons an inheritance, but he also respects their free will to use it as they see fit. He allows them to learn from their mistakes and waits for them to return. The father's love is extravagant, and he rejoices when his lost son returns. The message is that if we seek the Father's heart, we will find much more than just goods and blessings.

In Luke 15, Jesus is asked why he eats and drinks with sinners and tax collectors. He responds with three parables, the last of which is the story of the prodigal son. The younger son squanders his inheritance and ends up herding pigs, but eventually, he comes to his senses and returns to his father, who welcomes him back with open arms. The older son, however, is resentful of the attention his brother receives and feels he has earned his inheritance through his service to his father. The father reminds him that all of his possessions are his by grace, not by right. The message is that we should come to the Father humbly, without pretensions or expectations, and be grateful for the grace and love He offers us.

The speaker talks about the importance of knowing the heart of the Father and having a personal relationship with Him. They share a story about a prayer circle and encourage listeners to ask God to reveal His heart to them. The speaker declares a desire for their town to be a community of people who are attentive to God's heart and have the authority to transmit it to others.

Before entering the Word, I leave you this advice: If you came looking for goods, blessing, enlightenment, healing, the warmth of a community of faith, I applaud you and tell you my brothers: if you came looking for those goods, you will find what you are looking for. But if you came looking for the Father's heart, if you came looking for the Father's heart you will find that and much more.

And this parable that we find in the Gospel of Luke chapter 15 beginning with verse 11, a well-known parable, will show us the difference in a very key way. For many of us it is difficult to tell the difference. Pastor: I am here in the House of God, I have legitimate needs, by the way: I am looking for goods from my God; How do you distinguish between that and a search for the heart of the Father? And I believe that this parable, in a very effective way, describes that for us, breaks it down for us.

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