Prayer moves the heart of God

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: In this sermon, the speaker reflects on the power of prayer and the privilege of approaching the throne of grace with our needs and requests. He uses the example of King Hezekiah, who in the face of a death sentence, turned to God in prayer and received a miraculous healing. The speaker encourages listeners to pray with faith, without doubting, and to ask God with conviction, removing any subconscious barriers that may hinder our prayers. He emphasizes the importance of practicing prayer, fasting, understanding the word of God, sanctification, and communion with the people of God to strengthen our prayer life.

The passage discusses Hezekiah, who had experienced great miracles from God, but then suffered a terrible illness and was given a death sentence through disease. However, Hezekiah did not collapse, but knew what he had to do and cried out to the Lord. The passage emphasizes the importance of being prepared for times of crisis by strengthening the inner walls of one's spiritual life during times of peace. It also highlights the power of prayer and the importance of being a passionate person of great emotions and convictions in front of God.

In this sermon, the speaker emphasizes the importance of passion and specificity in prayer. He encourages listeners to find their best time and place for prayer, and to be specific in their requests to God. He uses the story of Hezekiah to illustrate how God responds to passionate prayer, and how even imperfect faith can be met with God's mercy. The speaker urges listeners to become a praying church, regularly seeking God's guidance and blessings.

Second Kings, chapter 20, King Hezekiah's prayer, to meditate for a moment on the power of prayer, as we have done throughout the week. And we have examined the right, the privilege of praying before God from different aspects, and we have touched on different dimensions of prayer. Our desire is to enrich your prayer life, to show you that the Bible itself teaches us that God wants us to pray, to cry out to him, that there is nothing impossible, there is nothing outside of God's reach, there is no fear, there is no situation of our life, there is not a circumstance, there is not an act, a problem of our life that does not have a possible solution in God and in approaching the throne of grace.

God himself invites us saying that we confidently enter the throne of grace to receive timely help. The writer Santiago also says that when someone is sick, pray, and the prayer of faith will heal the sick. He says that if we lack wisdom, what does he say? Ask God. And how does God give? With a teaspoon, with a drip, a dropper? It says, who gives abundantly.

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