God does not have to do anything for us - Everything He does is by grace

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Español)

RESUMEN: The parable of the servant mistreated by his master is an exaggerated illustration of the truth that we are insignificant before the greatness of God. We owe everything to God, and He treats us with love and kindness despite having every right to do otherwise. We are like slaves to God, with no will of our own and no rights, and we must have an attitude of total surrender to His will. We owe everything to God and have no right to ask for anything, and everything He does for us is by grace and mercy. We must always say in our hearts, "Lord, whatever You want from me, that is what I am going to do."

The Lord speaks of a servant who has spent the whole day working, he arrives at his master's house in the afternoon or at night, and this Lord instead of saying to him: hey come in, rest, make yourself comfortable, he orders him Let him continue working, and the Lord Jesus Christ says: This is the way men normally deal with their servants. And He says: You are also servants, and when you have done all that God hope you have done, you must say to yourselves: we are useless servants because we did everything we were asked to do.

And in our last meditation I said that the Lord is using this parable of a servant mistreated by his master as a hyperbolic, exaggerated illustration of a very important truth that we always have to take into account in our relationship with God and that is the The basis of any proper relationship of a child of God with the Creator God, the most high, almighty God, and that attitude of recognition of our smallness before the greatness of God must be the foundation of all the things that we do here on Earth.

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