Father, Your Will be done because I am a mere servant of Yours

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The Lord humbled himself and became a slave to God, obeying the Father's Will even to the point of death on the cross. This attitude of total surrender and humility is what every child of God must follow, acknowledging that they owe everything to God and have no right to demand anything from Him. God can do whatever He wants with us and in us. We must accept everything that comes from the Hand of God, with the attitude that we are mere instruments in His hands. This attitude allows God to do everything He wants to do in our life. Our posture should be: "Father, Your Will be done in my life." This attitude brings great dignity and power to our lives.

The Lord did not cling to his privileged condition but he stripped himself of it and became like a man, and not just any man but a doulos, a slave of God, of the Father, doing the Will of the Father, and was obedient. To what extent was he obedient?

To the point of ascending to the cross and dying the death of a sinner although He was perfect in all His ways and His character, but up to that level came the subjection, the total surrender of Jesus to the Will of His Father, and Paul says That must be the same attitude that must be in each one of you as well, an attitude of total surrender to the Lord.

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